KKU Library donates 1000 cloth masks to Srinagarind Hospital teams who are working under Covid-19 pandemic

April 28, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. – Khon Kaen University Library, led by Assoc. Prof. Supat Seenawat, M.D., Director of the Library and administrators, donated 1,000 cloth masks to Srinagarind Hospital. Prof. Somsak Tiamkao, M.D., Deputy Director of Srinagarind Hospital for Medical Service and Director of the first Field Hospital received the masks. The event took place at Lecture Hall 1, Lecture Building, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University.

The cloth masks were made by KKU Library and members of the Senior Staff Association, voluntary personnel and students of Khon Kaen University. The purpose is to give them to the medical teams to use when they work with the patients. Before giving out, the masks have been washed and sanitized.

Khon Kaen University Library, library users and everyone want to support the health professionals and teams in their hard work.

News / Photos: Nitiya Sriworadetpaisan