Office of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation has carried out the 7th EdPEx200 of 2019 targeting support for potential and ready organizations to improve the qualities towards excellence. In this regard, the Education Criteria for Performance Excellence (EdPEx200)has been applied in organizational quality development in order to stimulate universities to become aware of sustainable education quality development and of competitive competence at both the national and international levels. Many faculties and institutions joined the project by submitting the organizational outline and outcomes as per the set criteria to the EdPEx Committee for consideration. Overall, there were 30 institutions and 87 organizations entered the screening, of which 83 were faculties.
On July 15, 2020, the Education Criteria for Performance Excellence (EdPEx200) team in the 5th meeting of 2020 approved 4 organizations that passed the criteria (score over 200) to enter the 7th EdPEx200 of 2019. Among the 4 are Faculty of Education and Faculty of Engineering of Khon Kaen University. The two faculties were congratulated by Office of the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation and the success of the passing organizations has been made known nationwide.

Faculty of Engineering, KKU presented the good news on the second EN KKU Newsletter of July. The news says, “Faculty of Engineering has applied until now the idea of administration quality development for performance excellence in the management and thus made a request to join the 7th EdPEx200. This was because the present administrative team saw the importance of this. It was good news that the faculty was approved in the first start. That means we scored over 200, which demonstrated our good and effective administrative performance. It can be assured that we work systematically and are able to create good outcomes in instruction, research management, academic services and good governance. The faculty owes and appreciates everyone who put their efforts together in answering and meeting over 276 indicators that cover all dimensions of operations until the faculty has been guaranteed of quality development under the EdPEx200 criteria”.
“The next goal of Faculty of Engineering is EdPEx300 or TQC award. This will enable us towards even better outcomes and another leaping step. However, the scores may not be that important, The fact that we are accepted for good and efficient management as well as for being a social resort is more important, and the faculty needs to implement toward sustainable development,” Prof. Dr. Rachapon Santiwarakorn, Dean of the faculty ended.
For Faculty of Education of Khon Kaen University, as soon as the good news was announced, the higher education network began to take an action, since the faculty is the first among all educational institutions at the higher education level to pass EdPEx200 criteria. The higher education radio broadcasting network presented the news under the program named, “Direct Radio Network of Higher Education Institutions”. There was a live interview on air to congratulate Prof. Dr. Sumalee Chaijaroen, Dean of Faculty of Education, who just entered the deanship in June 2019 and has worked with the faculty toward EdPEx200 until being successful. The news was also disseminated in the faculty through the internal public relation.
Prof. Dr. Sumalee Chaijaroen, Dean of Faculty of Education said, “Faculty of Education began the process for one full year. The first important part of this success is the cooperation and dedication of personnel in the faculty including the two demonstration schools. We had the same goal, that is, the vision to be “a leading faculty of education at the national level that emphasizes education innovation in order to upgrade the education quality”. We passed EdPEx criteria with the key mechanism by joining the GROW63 project towards excellence of Office of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation. The experts in the project assisted in approving step by step so that we were able to apply EdPEx200 practically to develop the faculty. This has been our policy put to work for one whole year that I have been in office. Our faculty sees that EdPEx200 criteria are not only what appear on the paper, but the criteria are the means for development of organization that we intensively carried out, starting from systematic development, clear target setting by administrators for everyone to follow and strategies including implementation plans that listened to relevant customers, who reflected things that we took into consideration in our work. We also built engagement among staff members by the propelling mechanisms. Therefore, entering EdPEx200 was more than reporting with information. We carried out the development work with concrete mechanism,” Prof. Dr. Sumalee Chaijaroen said.

EdPEx is short from “Education Criteria for Performance Excellence”, which is the framework for development of administrative and management qualities according to the principles of Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) – the prototype of Thailand Quality Award (TQA). EdPEx is the framework that enables thinking/seeing and administering an organization based on systems (all systems are connected). It helps the developmental work to leap and sustain from the emphasized points that are keys of an organization. Education Criteria for Performance Excellence (EdPEx) used the same criteria as Thailand Quality Award and is used at university and faculty levels. The question criteria are for the institutions to consider whether they have carried out different aspects. In 2019, 30 institutions and 87 organizations made a request to enter EdPEx; they then submitted the organizational profiles (OP) and outcomes and attached detailed documents as stipulated for the consideration. There were 4 universities and 83 faculties from the total number that joined.
Khon Kaen University has succeeded in EdPEx200 before. Faculty of Medicine passed the criteria in 2014, Faculty of Nursing and Faculty of Dentistry passed the criteria in 2016, Faculty of Associated Medical Science and Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy in 2017, and Faculty of Public Health and Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts in 2018. These were the success of KKU before the 2019 announcement.
News reported by Udomchai Supannawong
Thanks for the information from the Public Relations Units of Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Education
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