Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Dentistry, KKU win 2 honorary awards from TQC 2023

March 6, 2024  – Assoc. Prof. Ratchapon Suntiwarakorn, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, KKU with his administrative team and Assoc. Prof. Waranuch Pitiphat, Ph.D., Former Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry attended the 22nd TQC 2023 awarding ceremony at the main auditorium of Thailand Cultural Center.

Assoc. Prof. Ratchapon Suntiwarakorn, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, represented Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University to receive the award for Excellence Administration under TQC 2023. The Faculty of Engineering is one out of ten institutions being awarded this honorary prize, which shows the excellent competency in organizational administration comparable to the international level.

Assoc. Prof. Waranuch Pitiphat, Ph.D. received the Leadership Excellence Award 2023 from the selection of Thailand Quality Award Committee and the Thailand Productivity Institute. The prize is given to the highest level of administrators of an organization, who has continuously applied the criteria of the national quality award until the work outcomes are evidently excellent. The award is the Thailand Quality Class Plus that honors the organization’s administrator who has taken the key role in stimulating all sectors to improve and develop the potentiality of the management and administrative systems to meet the standards accepted at the international level. Assoc. Prof. Waranuch was the administrator at that time.

The prize is awarded for the first time on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of Thailand Productivity Institute. There were 21 administrators receiving the awards this year. The event this year also featured presentation of certification to the assessors of the TQC who carried out the assessment during the past year. There were 20 TQA assessors from Khon Kaen University attending the event.

Thailand Quality Award (TQA) is the honorary award that leading organizations in the country are dedicated to develop the organization to be awarded. TQA is the World Class award, for it holds similar bases in the judgment techniques and processes comparable to The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) in the USA, which is the prototype of National Quality Award applied by many organizations around the world, to develop the competency in their administration. The organization having the world standard operations and work outcomes of the world standard will be awarded this TQA prize.

Every year the Office of Thailand Quality Award holds the event to announce the awardees of the prizes. The highest award to be bestowed on an organization is the Thailand Quality Award (TQA), the score of which is 650 points, followed by the Thailand Quality Class Plus (TQC Plus), the score of which is 450 points and Thailand Quality Class (TQC), with the score of 350 points. ๖๖(https://www.tqa.or.th/)

Khon Kaen University received the Thailand Quality Class (TQC) in 2018, and was the first university in Thailand to receive this award at the university level. The Faculties in Khon Kaen University receiving the awards in the past are: Faculty of Dentistry, receiving the TQC Plus award in the category of People in 2021 and Faculty of Medicine, receiving the TQC award in 2021.

Information: Asst. Prof. Sakda Wara-aswapati, Assistant to the President for Planning and Quality Development; Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University.

News: Phanit Khatnak

