Stepping closer to excellence by valve repair (Train the Trainer)

Stepping closer to excellence by valve repair (Train the Trainer)

On June 20, 2019, at OR meeting room on the 4th floor of Queen Sirikit Heart Center, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Department hold a workshop on excellence by valve repair (Train the Trainer) for over 80 participants – cardiovascular surgeons, thoracic surgery residents, cardiac anesthetists, nurse anesthetists, nurses, heart lung machine specialists, and staff members. It was an honored to have Dr. Taweesak Chotewattanawong (MD), President of CCIT – International Academic Institute Program (CCIT-IAIP), as a keynote speaker.

Heart valve disease is often found in northeastern region. One third of patients coming to Queen Sirikit Heart Center and Srinagarind Hospital have this disease. Now valve replacement is being shifted to valve repair, so medical personnel need a lot more practice and obtain more experience. International Academic Institute Program (CCIT-IAIP), which Dr. Taweesak Chotewattanawong is the president, sees the importance of improvement, so he has founded Train the Trainer to support and train on cardiac surgery. Moreover, he also created network between hospitals to exchange experience and update information about advanced medical technology that can be used for treating patients most efficiently.

Stepping closer to excellence by valve repair (Train the Trainer)

Stepping closer to excellence by valve repair (Train the Trainer)

Stepping closer to excellence by valve repair (Train the Trainer)

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