Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, KKU, leads students to Pharmacy Experience Activity in Portuguese

May 5-14, 2024 – Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Khon Kaen University, led by Asst. Prof. Narin Chansri, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty and Asst. Prof. Pathomthat Srisuk, Ph.D., Vice Dean for Strategic Administration and Organization Development, took 15 undergraduate students of the Faculty to join the activity that promoted professional experiences (Pharmacy Experience) abroad, along with 4 students from Burapa University. This activity was part of the Internationalization Project of the second semester, 2024.

The activity enabled students to acquire nearly all fields of knowledge about pharmacy profession, from experts in the fields, including the role and duties of pharmacists in Portuguese, the medicinal system, principles of health, medicine development and management of intellectual properties, industrial pharmacy, community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy and medical affairs. Students also had a chance to join study visits to the following medicine distribution system, pharmaceutical shop, hospital and museums:

– Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS), University of Porto
– Hospital Pharmacy at CHP Hospital
– Laboratories and Library of Faculty of Pharmacy/ICBAS
– Pharmacy Museum of the Faculty of Pharmacy
– Pharmacy Devesas

Asst. Prof. Narin Chansri, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Khon Kaen University explained that ICBAS University of Porto was the host of the whole program, which was planned and prepared by Prof. Anake Kijjoa, who also invited experts to give special talks to the students and coordinated with all of the above institutes and places. The Faculty was grateful to Prof. Kijjoa, Prof. Madelena and Prof. America assisted in taking care of the group all through the period, and Dr. Sonia, who gave a talk and let the group visit a pharmacy shop. KKU students were promised to train at the shop. Thanks were extended to all speakers who gave the team interesting knowledge and led the team to do activities that opened the world vision. All students received the experiences which were hard to find elsewhere that would be useful in the professional development of KKU in the future.

News / Photos: Tananchanai Unsim, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Khon Kaen University



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