Thursday December 21, 2023 at Wittayawipas Room 1, College of Computing, Khon Kaen University – The College of Computing, Faculty of Sciences and Princess Chulabhorn Science High School, Loei, joined to organize a special talk under the Thailand-Japan Student Science Fair 2023 (TJ-SSF2023) by Professor Naito Tomoyuki, Ph.D., Vice President of Kobe Institute of Computing (KIC), Japan, on AI of the present era. Over 250 students, lecturers, staff and interested individuals attended.
Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., President of Khon Kaen University welcomed Professor Naito Tomoyuki, Ph.D., Vice President of Kobe Institute of Computing (KIC) to the event. The President said he was very pleased on behalf of Khon Kaen University to host this special talk. Presently, AI is the technology that starts to occupy its role in various industries. Therefore, Khon Kaen University is determined to enhance the knowledge, understanding and necessary skills for efficient work with AI, among the students, lecturers, staff and the interested public.
Professor Naito Tomoyuki, Ph.D., Vice President of Kobe Institute of Computing (KIC), a distinguished scientist who gave the talk today said that AI technology and innovation have important roles in all sectors. Thus, building understanding and awareness, and correct application of AI, will bring benefits to organizational development. AI, however, is a challenge in the transformation of people’s jobs and organizations at present and the near future.
News / Photos: Division of International Relation