February 24, 2023 – Khon Kaen University led by Asst. Prof. Acharawan Tophakngarm, Ph.D., Assistant to the President for International Affairs; Dean of Graduate School, Assoc. Prof. Kiattichai Fugsri, Ph.D.; Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, Prof. Wongsa Laohasiriwong, Ph.D.; Vice Dean for Research and Innovation of the Computing College, Asst. Prof. Chitsutha Sumlek, Ph.D.; and Dr. Siriporn Thola from the Faculty of Agriculture, discussed collaboration with the following universities in Indonesia in Yogyakarta: Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta (UNJAYA), and Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). The executive administrators of the three universities including the Rectors, Vice Rectors, Deans, Vice Deans, Directors, Heads of Department and lecturers welcomed the delegation team from Khon Kaen University and joined in the discussion for possible collaboration. Assoc. Prof. Kiattichai Fugsri, Ph.D., Dean of the Graduate School presented on behalf of Khon Kaen University the programs offered at Khon Kaen University that are ready to enroll foreign students. The Dean of Graduate School went on to lead the discussion in developing joint programs with the 3 Indonesia universities and opportunities for exchanges of students, personnel as well as joint research and academic collaboration between faculties. It has been expected that the visit would lead to promotion of sustainable relationship between KKU and the 3 Indonesian universities, and making all growing towards world-class universities in the future. The other highlight activity at the visit was the special talk by Prof. Wongsa Laohasiriwong, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, on Thai Community and Culture (Pre and Post COVID-19) to both staff and students of the Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta (UNJAYA). This special talk was of interest among the attendants that totaled a great number.
News: Division of International Affairs
Photos: Division of International Affairs / Graduate School, KKU
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY)
