KKU signs MOU with Willpower Institute to become an academic center of the Institute’s Northeast Branch

Khon Kaen University signed an MOU with Thailand Willpower Institute. The purpose is to establish Khon Kaen University as the Northeast Academic Center of the Willpower Institute to carry out duties in organizing the Institute’s meditation training programs for KKU students and staff, communities and the public. The intention behind is to emphasize the spirit of Khon Kaen University.

From the meeting of representatives from the Willpower Institute of Luang Phor Viriyang Sirintharo and the President of Khon Kaen University on November 1, 2022, the delegation of the two institutions agreed to enter a Memorandum of Understanding, which was held on Friday December 2, 2022 at 15:30 hours at the Office of President, 6th Floor, Sirikunakorn Building. Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., KKU President and Emeritus Professor Dr. Bawornsak Uwanno, a member and Secretary of the Willpower Foundation of Luang Phor Viriyang Sirintharo signed the MOU. Dr. Daonoi Sutthinipapan, a member and Deputy Secretary of the Willpower Foundation witnessed the MOU signing along with KKU administrators.


รศ.นพ.ชาญชัย  พานทองวิริยะกุล  อธิการบดีมหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น ลงนามบันทึกข้อตกลงความร่วมมือกับสถาบันพลังจิตตานุภาพ

Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, M.D., KKU President


ศาสตราจารย์กิตติคุณ ดร.บวรศักดิ์ อุวรรณโณ กรรมการและเลขาธิการ มูลนิธิสถาบันพลังจิตตานุภาพ หลวงพ่อวิริยังค์ สิรินฺธโร
Emeritus Professor Dr. Bawornsak Uwanno, a member and Secretary of the Willpower Foundation of Luang Phor Viriyang Sirintharo
ดร.ดาวน้อย สุทธินิภาพันธ์ กรรมการและรองเลขาธิการ มูลนิธิสถาบันพลังจิตตานุภาพ หลวงพ่อวิริยังค์ สิรินฺธโร

Dr. Daonoi Sutthinipapan, a member and Deputy Secretary of the Willpower Foundation


It is the intention of Khon Kaen University to be a social devotion university. Led by this vision, the University has developed itself as a lifelong learning center. The Willpower Institute, founded by Luang Phor Viriyang Sirintharo has the intention to teach mediation under the line of Phra Ajarn Luang Pu Man Bhurithatto. Learning how to meditate and build willpower is useful in enhancing the power of the mind. It is thus a good occasion for KKU and the Institute to collaborate in teaching and promoting meditation among KKU students and staff, communities and the public. At the same time, the academic knowledge related to meditation will be extended, and Khon Kaen University will be established as the Northeast Academic Center of the Willpower Institute. The branch will be carrying out meditation training, using the programs of the Willpower Institute of Luang Phor Viriyang Sirintharo. The two institutions will also collaborate in developing and disseminating academic work, research, and innovation related to meditation and the benefits from meditation. KKU Willpower Branch is the 78th branch and will be situated at Kaen Mo Dindaeng Building. Training will be held there. The MOU will last 5 years as of the date of signing.

ม.ขอนแก่น ลงนามบันทึกข้อตกลงความร่วมมือกับสถาบันพลังจิตตานุภาพ

With the MOU signed between the Willpower Institute and Khon Kaen University, KKU is now preparing to establish the Northeast Academic Center of the Institute, and in the near future, meditation training programs will be organized for students, staff, communities and the public. The intention of Khon Kaen University to be a creative and social development university and a lifelong learning center will be achieved.

คณะกรรมการศูนย์วิชาการ สถาบันพลังจิตตานุภาพ สาขาภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ และ สาขา 78 สถาบันพลังจิตตานุภาพ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น

The members of the 78th Northeast Branch Academic Center of the Willpower Institute


News: Banjamaporn Mamook

Photos: Atthapon Hampong
