Meeting on the joint Double Degree Program under PISAI Project

March 15-18, 2021 – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Darunee Chotisayangkoon, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture; Asst. Prof. Dr. Panupon Hongpakdee, Assistant to the Dean for Cooperative Education and International Affairs; and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Supat Isarangkoon Na Ayuthaya, Head of the Department of Horticulture and the coordinator for the Participatory and Integrative Support for Agricultural Initiative (PISAI) of Khon Kaen University attended the Final PISAI  Project Meeting at the Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkhla University Hadyai Campus. In the opening session, Asst. Prof. Dr. Niwat Kaewpradab, President of Prince of Songkhla University gave a welcoming speech to the participants that included the administrative team, members of the PISAI Project and administrators of the institutes associated with agriculture, who attended the meeting in person and on-line.

The Participatory and Integrative Support for Agricultural Initiative (PISAI) is a project implemented to develop the Double Degree Master’s Program (DDMP) that is the collaboration of 4 leading universities in agriculture including Prince of Songkhla University, Kasetsat University, Chiangmai University, and Khon Kaen University. There are also European institutions that join as partners and support in the instruction of different modules, including: Montpellier SupAgro in France, University of Copenhagen in Denmark, Czech University of Life Science Prague in Czech Republic, University of Helsinki in Finland, and European Alliance of Agricultural Knowledge for Development (AGRINATURA). The program development began on October 15, 2017 and will end on April 14, 2021.

The meeting agenda included the reflection of the project implementation by the stakeholders from the government and private sectors as the employers of the graduates. In addition, the students under the project and the professors who supervise the theses also made comments on the implementation. The final report, which was taken into consideration, featured the conclusion of activities and indicators. Moreover, the implementation of the developed program under this PISAI Project was discussed in order to clarify the future management. Other institutions that are not the allies of PISAI Project were invited to the meeting with expectation to expand the Double Degree Master’s Program (DDMP) to other institutions in Thailand.

The goal of the meeting is to attain utmost and sustainable benefits to the students and those associated with agriculture, regarding the use of knowledge and the work of the graduates that will support agricultural work of different organizations in the future.

News / Photos: Asst. Prof. Dr. Panupon Hongpakdee

Facebook: Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkhla University
